Timetable 2025
School year 2025
Term 1: 3 February - 11 April
Term 2: 28 April - 27 June
Term 3: 14 July - 19 September
Term 4: 6 October - 18 December
Enrol NowGeneral English Classes (1A-2B)
For low level English learners with a focus on practical everyday topics.
English for Work
Learn English to help you gain employment. Includes two weeks of real workplace experience with NZQA certificate.
FULL DAY classes available.
Network Newtown
(next to Newtown Library)
9 Constable St, NewtownMonday to Friday
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Lower Hutt
Learn English for everyday life.
Lower Hutt
English for Families
English for parents or caregivers who are migrants, free child care provided for 0-5 years.
English for Driving (Road Code)
For learners with some English, who want to learn the road code and gain a learner driver licence (9 week course). Theory only - no practical component.
English through Sewing
Practise the language for sewing and making things. By application only.
Level One, Ranchhod House,
39 Webb Street, WellingtonTuesdays and Wednesdays
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
English through Digital
Learn how to use technology, Computer basics and become more confident when using English.
Level One, Ranchhod House,
39 Webb Street, WellingtonThursdays and Fridays
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Kiwi English (Intermediate level)
For learners who have good foundation skills but still need further support with Kiwi English, pronunciation, idiomatic language, to practise presentations for work, NZ history and more.
Level One, Ranchhod House,
39 Webb Street, WellingtonMonday to Wednesday (afternoon)
12:30-2:30 pm
English for Communications (Level 1 and Level 2)
Great for beginners.
Level One, Ranchhod House,
39 Webb Street, WellingtonMonday to Wednesday (afternoon)
12:30-2:30 pm
Job Club
Job Club Wellington
Homework Club
For high school students (year 9-13), individual help from volunteers, a registered secondary school teacher and a language-specific tutor.
Level One, Ranchhod House,
39 Webb Street, WellingtonTuesdays and Thursday
3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Lower Hutt