KiwiClass has Caseworkers who provide support to KiwiClass students and client and their whānau. Caseworkers can help with
- Reducing barriers towards learning
- Connecting with other agencies For example WINZ, IRD, power/phone companies, police or schools
- Completing documents and forms.
- Connecting with social events and other members of the community.
To contact a Caseworker call the office on 04-384-3693 or come into the KiwiClass office at 39 Webb Street.
If it is an emergency you should;
- 111: call 111 if you need fire, ambulance or police right now
- 105: call 105 to report things here that have already happened that don’t need urgent police assistance

Find the latest health information
Are you or your whānau (family) unwell? The best ways to get support are to:
- call your family doctor for advice or information. If you think you’ve been exposed to COVID-19 (through contact with someone who has it), it’s important to let your family doctor know.
- call Healthline with your COVID-19 health-related concerns. The call is free and someone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 358 5453 (or for international SIMs call +64 9 358 5453).
- you can also call Healthline: if you don’t have a family doctor, if you’re feeling unwell but you’re not sure if you need to see a doctor, or for advice about what’s happening for you and next steps.
- call Plunketline if you have questions about your child or baby’s health or wellbeing on 0800 933 922 and speak to a Plunket nurse. Plunketline runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- contact your midwife for support and advice during pregnancy and postnatal. In an emergency, always call 111.

This is a scary and stressful time, but there is a lot of free help available if you need it.
You can call these numbers for free support and advice anytime – 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
For mental health support, or if you just need to talk
- 1737: call or text 1737 anytime, to speak to a trained counselor, in any language
- 0800 543 354 or text HELP (4357): call or text Lifeline for confidential support
- 0800 54 37 45: call Kidsline if you are under 18 and need to talk
- 0508 828 865: call the Suicide Crisis Line if 0800 54 37 54 you or someone you know is thinking about suicide
For general health advice
- 0800 611 116: call Healthline for health advice
- 0800 933 922: call Plunket Line for free health advice and information about your children and baby
Support for women, and for family violence
- 0800 742 584: call Shakti for family violence support for Middle Eastern, Asian and African women
- 0508-744-633: call SHINE for family violence support for all women
- 0800 733 843: call Women’s Refuge for family violence support for all women
- (04) 801 8973: call Wellington Rape Crisis for support around sexual assault
- 04 801 6655: call Wellington Help for support around sexual assault
Support for men
- 06 358 1211: call Manline for support for men, from men
- 0800 111 757: call to get mental health support for men specifically
- 0800 044 334: call Male Survivors for support for male victims of abuse
- 022 419 3416: call or text MOSAIC for support for male victims of abuse
Drug and alcohol support
- 0800 787 797: call the Alcohol and Drug Helpline for support with addiction
- 0800 654 655: call the Gambling Problem Helpline for support with gambling
You can also refer yourself or a friend, with their permission, to Refugee Trauma and Recovery, which is a specialised service just for refugees and people seeking asylum. Click here to learn more.
You can always talk to KiwiClass staff if you need support, and we can help you find the right assistance.